segunda-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2013

Robbie Williams no Rock In Rio Lisboa 2014

25 de Maio de 2014

Simple Plan “Ordinary Life”

Direct Hit! “Brainless God”

Dropkick Murphys "The Season's Upon Us"

Pixies "Another Toe In The Ocean"

domingo, 27 de outubro de 2013

Faleceu Lou Reed (Velvet Underground)

Revelação da morte do músico norte-americano foi feita na tarde deste domingo pela revista Rolling Stone.
 O músico, de 71 anos, tinha feito um transplante de fígado em Maio deste ano. 
 Compositor, cantor, guitarrista, líder dos Velvet Underground, Lou Reed, um dos mais inventivos e influentes criadores da música popular americana da segunda metade do século XX, morreu este domingo aos 71 anos. As causas da morte ainda não foram divulgadas, mas é provável que não sejam alheias ao transplante de fígado a que o músico nova-iorquino se submeteu em Maio. 
 Os últimos 50 anos de música rock seriam algo bastante diferente sem Lou Reed, algo que só poderia dizer-se com idêntica propriedade de um conjunto muito restrito de músicos. No final dos anos 60, com os Velvet Underground, Lou Reed, diz o seu obituário na revista Rolling Stone, “casou beleza e barulho, ao mesmo tempo que trazia toda uma nova honestidade lírica ao rock’n rol”. 
 Nascido em Brooklyn em 1942, Reed começou a compor canções no final do liceu, mas o percurso que o tornará um ícone do rock só se inicia verdadeiramente quando conhece John Cale, um músico de formação clássica, natural do País de Gales, que chegara a Nova Iorque em 1963. Com Cale, Lou Reed funda a banda The Primitives, que tem algum sucesso em 1964 com o tema The Ostrich, uma paródia à música de dança. 
 Os The Primitives são depois rebaptizados The Warlocks. E quando se juntam ao grupo o guitarrista Sterling Morrison e o percussionista Angus Maclise, nasceu não apenas uma nova banda, mas, na opinião de alguns críticos, a melhor banda de rock de todos os tempos: os Velvet Underground. O grupo não teve grande sucesso comercial nos anos sessenta, mas alguém já observou que muitos dos jovens que ouviram o seu álbum de estreia em 1967, The Velvet Underground & Nico, correram a criar as suas próprias bandas.
 Quase não há um tema nesse primeiro álbum, produzido por Andy Warhol, que não seja hoje um clássico da música pop, de I’m Waiting for the Man e Venus in Furs a All Tomorrow’s Parties ou aos sete minutos de Heroin. O grupo durou pouco (Cale saiu logo em 1968), mas a sua influência perdura até hoje. 
 Com o fim dos Velvet em 1970, Reed parte para o Reino Unido, onde grava um disco com músicos dos Yes. Mas é o com o disco seguinte, Transformer, produzido por David Bowie, que se torna uma estrela incontestável do firmamento rock. O tema Walk On the Wild Side torna-se um sucesso, mas o disco inclui outras canções justamente célebres, como Perfect Day ou Vicious. 
 Nas décadas seguintes, Lou Reed vai sempre inovando, e muitas vezes driblando as expectativas dos seus fãs, num trajecto que inclui álbuns como Berlin (1973), o experimentalista Metal Machine Music (1975), Blue Mask (1982), New Sensations (1984), New York (1989) ou o recente Hudson River Wind Meditations, de 2007. 


Dia 1 de Novembro há festa no ALMAEMFORMOL

Os bandos mafiosos voltarão a atacar a invicta desta vez com a passagem de La Prospettiva e Tumulto por Portugal. Vindos directamente de Italia juntam-se a novos nomes tugas e prometem fazer-vos "uma proposta que não vão poder recusar". Tragam as vossas facas e preparem-se para uma festa á bolonhesa onde certamente irão rolar cabeças. 

 LA PROSPETTIVA: (Hardcore mafioso Italiano) 

 TUMULTO: (Hardcore mafioso Italiano) 

 JUST SAY NØ!: (Rardcore de toda a parte) 

 MISCARRIAGE: (Powersarda do Porto) 

 SORE EYES: (Tombstone Powerviolence, ode à Samara) 


 Fonte: descrição do evento em

sexta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2013

Já ouviste o novo álbum dos Arcade Fire?

Arcade Fire colocam "Reflektor" para escuta completa no Youtube

Uma dos mais aguardados álbuns deste ano foi colocado pelos Arcade Fire em streaming no Youtube. "Reflektor" é o quarto longa duração da banda e contou com a produção de James Murphy. O sucessor de "The Suburbs" (2010) será editado no dia 28 de Outubro. Ouve "Reflektor" no player abaixo! 



Santana com novo álbum

Carlos Santana irá actuar num concerto único em Guadalajara, México, no dia 14 de Dezembro, na Vicente Fernandez Arena, acompanhado de um enorme grupo de músicos de renome. Para já, nos nomes confirmados no concerto estão artistas como Chocquibtown, Gloria Estefan, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, Juanes, Miguel, Niña Pastori, Samuel Rosa dos Skank, Salvador Santana, Soledad e Diego Torres. Esta espécie de "regresso a casa", para Carlos Santana, assinala o lançamento do seu próximo álbum, intitulado "CORAZÓN". Para além das estrelas que irão actuar no concerto de dia 14 de Dezembro, nomes como Lila Downs, Ziggy Marley e Romeo Santos também se irão juntar a Santana. 
 Santana encontra-se presentemente em estúdio, em Las Vegas, a gravar muitas destas colaborações, com o produtor Lester Mendez à frente do "barco". "CORAZÓN" será lançado através de uma parceria entre a Sony Latin Iberia e a RCA Records. 
 Santana é actualmente cabeça de cartaz numa residência de vários anos, no House of Blues no Mandalay Bay Resort em Las Vegas. No dia 8 de Dezembro, Carlos Santana irá receber o prémio Kennedy Center Honors Award de 2013. 


Billie Joe (Green Day) e Norah Jones lançam disco em conjunto

É verdade! Billie Joe Armstrong, líder e voz do trio Green Day e a cantora Norah Jones uniram as suas forças num projeto para regravar o disco "Songs Our Daddy Taught Us", editado pelos Everly Brothers no ano de 1958. Esta nova roupagem foi apelidada de "Foreverly", tendo sido gravado em Nova York em apenas 9 dias, com um baixista e baterista contratados para o efeito. Curiosamente a parceria desenvolveu-se devido ao facto de ambos os músicos terem uma relação de amizade com Stevie Wonder, tendo-se conhecido num evento onde o mítico músico reuniu várias personalidades para interpretar alguns temas, entre eles Billie Joe e Norah Jones. 
O disco será lançado a 25 de Novembro pela Reprise Records, tendo como primeiro single o tema "Long Time Gone" que já pode ser ouvido na íntegra. 



segunda-feira, 21 de outubro de 2013

The Pretty Reckless "Going To Hell"

Podem ver o novo videoclip aqui:

Samsara Blues Experiment de Regresso a Portugal

A 5th Anniversary Tour traz-nos o regresso dos Samsara Blues Experiment a Portugal, para um concerto no Hard Club, no Porto, a 20 de Novembro.
A primeira parte desta noite ficará a cargo dos barcelenses Solar Corona, que irão certamente aproveitar a oportunidade para apresentar o seu recente EP “Innerspace“.
A noite começará pelas 22h e os bilhetes estão em pré-venda com o preço de 10€, subindo para 12€ se comprados no próprio dia do evento.


Doom actuam em Lisboa

Depois do seu recente concerto na edição deste ano do Santa Maria Summer Fest, os Doom regressam ao nossopaís para um concerto em Lisboa, na República da Música, já este mês.
A actuação dos britânicos está marcada para 28 de Outubro e a abrir a noite estarão os nacionais Atentado.
O início dos concertos está marcado para as 21h e os bilhetes custam 15€.


domingo, 20 de outubro de 2013

Linkin Park x Steve Aoki "A Light That Never Comes"

E se juntarmos Linkin Park com Steve Aoki??? O resultado é este:

Black Sabbath "Loner"

Vejam aqui o novo vídeo dos Black Sabbath:

Motörhead "Heartbreaker"

Motörhead's powerful new video for "Heartbreaker" – a song from the enduring metal trio's new album, Aftershock – doesn't just motivate fans to bang their heads. In the case of the clip's storyline, a talented young animator draws fresh inspiration from the band's roaring new single.

"Heartbreaker" incorporates concert footage from this year's Metal Hammer Golden Gods awards ceremony in the U.K., a 2010 Manchester gig and several 2011 shows (including Rock in Rio, Germany's Wacken Open Air Festival and Teatro Caupolicán in Santiago, Chile). Fans who hang on for the credits at the end of "Heartbreaker" may be surprised to learn that the video's sketch art was created by frontman/bassist Lemmy Kilmister.

Aftershock was tracked at NRG Studios in North Hollywood and will be released on October 22nd. It's the group's 21st album since the band was founded by Kilmister in 1975, and it is available for preorder in several formats, including a limited edition Digipak version, a gatefold 180-Gram vinyl format and a standard CD packaging.


Paradise Lost "Loneliness Remains"

Os Paradise Lost lançaram um novo vídeo; podem vê-lo aqui:

sábado, 19 de outubro de 2013

Sepultura regressam a Portugal em 2014

Com eles trazem Legion of the Damned, Flotsam and Jetsam e Mortillery

Em vésperas de comemorarem três décadas de existência, os icónicos SEPULTURA decidiram juntar-se novamente a Ross Robinson, com quem tinham gravado, há 18 anos, "Roots". Juntos, os músicos e o lendário produtor norte-americano, idealizaram o novíssimo "The Mediator Between Head And Hands Must Be The Heart".

Os Sepultura vêm ao Paradise Garage em Lisboa, no dia 28 de Fevereiro para apresentar o 13º álbum que será editado a 25 de Outubro.

No entanto, neste regresso a Portugal, os SEPULTURA não trazem apenas o novo álbum na bagagem, a acompanhá-los trazem três nomes fortes do thrash mundial: LEGION OF THE DAMNED que contam já com oito anos de carreira e seis álbuns no catálogo; FLOTSAM AND JETSAM que foram pioneiros da tendência nos Estados Unidos e tornaram-se famosos no exato momento em que Jason Newsted - então baixista da banda do Arizona - se juntou aos Metallica após a trágica morte de Cliff Burton e em 2012 lançaram "Ugly Noise". De formação bastante mais recente, as honras de abertura ficam a cargo dos thrashers canadianos MORTILLERY, que acabam de disponibilizar o segundo álbum, "Origin Of Extinction".

Os bilhetes têm um preço único de 22€.


Alter Bridge em estreia em Portugal

Dia 16 de Novembro a banda norte-americana toca no Coliseu de Lisboa.

A banda que se formou com a pausa dos Creed, vem a primeira vez a Portugal, para um concerto no Coliseu de Lisboa. A banda editou recentemente "Fortress", o seu quarto álbum, e o concerto servirá também como apresentação do novo álbum.

Os bilhetes estão à venda nos locais habituais com o preço entre os 30 e os 150 euros.


Iron Maiden: cerveja Trooper com muita saída

Lançada no Reino Unido há cerca de 5 meses, e com exportação para os Estados Unidos e outros países há menos de dois meses, a cerveja Trooper já vendeu só no Reino Unido 1 milhão de "pints".

O nome da cerveja é inspirada num dos maiores sucessos dos Iron Maiden, e tem como imagem de rótulo o Eddie, a mascote da banda.

A cerveja, que foi desenvolvida com o próprio Bruce Dickinson, vocalista da banda, que se assume como um apaixonado pela cerveja inglesa, ainda não está disponível em Portugal.


O cartaz do Mexefest está a crescer!

Wavves estão entre as novas confirmações

Guitarras, electrónica, rap e hip hop, são as sonoridades trazidas pelos artistas que agora se confirmam para a edição de 2013 do Vodafone Mexefest: Wavves, Vahagn & The Sky People, A.M.O.R., Lil Silva, Sensi e J-K.

Os californianos Wavves são um dos fenómenos indie rock dos últimos anos. Liderados pelo músico Nathan Williams e com 4 álbuns no reportório, vêm ao Vodafone Mexefest apresentar o último e aclamado "Afraid Of Heights".

Do Reino Unido, vem Lil Silva que faz da electrónica arma, aqui e ali dançável, e acaba de editar, também no mercado norte-americano, o "The Distance ".

De Portugal, Vahagn & The Sky People que são constituídos por Vahagn nas máquinas e teclas, Jerry the Cat (uma lenda de Detroit) na percussão e voz, Anthony John na guitarra, Luís Pereira nas teclas e Orlanda Guilande na voz.

Sensi com disco novo, "Pequenos crimes entre amigos" é também uma das confirmações portuguesas assim como o projecto A.M.O.R., duo português de rap, formado por Violet e Honey.

Por fim, o jovem de origem congolesa, J-K, um dos nomes pertencentes ao selo nortenho Monster Jix e vem ao Vodafone Mexefest, acompanhado pelos colegas de editora, Stray e DarkSunn, apresentar o seu début, "Sorriso Parvo".

O Vodafone Mexefest está de volta em 2013 e vai realizar-se a 29 e 30 de Novembro na cidade Lisboa.


Nouvelle Vague em Lisboa e no Fundão

Os Nouvelle Vague regressam a Portugal e pela primeira vez sobem ao palco três vocalista femininas. Os dois concertos agendados no nosso país contam com a estreia absoluta da nova vocalista Zula.

A primeira data está marcada para dia 12 de Dezembro em Lisboa no TMN ao Vivo e no dia 13 no Pavilhão Multiusos do Fundão.

O preço dos bilhetes é de 18€, ou 34€ para duas pessoas [exclusivamente à venda nas lojas de discos Flur e Louie Louie em Lisboa] ou de 22€ [com oferta do cd da banda "the Singers"].


Os alentejanos Uaninauei dão concerto em Lisboa

Os UANINAUEI estão de volta a Lisboa para uma grande noite de rock no MOB - Espaço Associativo no Bairro Alto no dia 18 de Outubro a partir das 22h30.

A banda prepara-se para lançar o seu segundo álbum "Dona Vitória", sendo já conhecido o single de avanço, "Gémeo Mau", que podes ouvir no player abaixo. Os lisboetas Uruguai vão partilhar o palco com a banda de Évora.

Entrada livre para sócios do MOB, para quem não é sócio o bilhete tem um preço de 3€.


The Clash: The Last Gang In Town

Um pequeno documentário sobre os The Clash, de Ian Rubbish (Fred Armisen)

quinta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2013

Creepshow "The Devil's Son"

Formed in the dirty back alleys and dive bars of Toronto, Ontario in 2005, THE CREEPSHOW has redefined the saying “No Rest For The Wicked”. Since their inception, the band has brought their genre-defying blend of country-tinged, psycho punk rock n’ roll to over 25 countries worldwide with plans to conquer many more as soon as possible. Fronted by the vivacious Kenda (guitar/vox) and backed by the swarthy Sean “Sick Boy” McNab (stand-up bass/vox), The Reverend McGinty (sermons/organ/vox) and the righteous Sandro (skins), THE CREEPSHOW is an explosion of live energy that is a tasty treat for the ears and eyes alike… Whatever you do though, don’t write THE CREEPSHOW off as just another psychobilly band. While their lyrics draw inspiration from b-movies and early horror films, they’re also full of personal insight and personal stories dealing with everything from addiction to mental health to tales of love gone horribly wrong.

***Named as “One of the top bands you need to know about” by Alternative Press.

THE CREEPSHOW’s passion for touring is borderline obsessive-compulsive. They have an incredibly personal dedication to their fans and their live show that is nothing short of astounding. Watching their set is a full frontal assault on all your senses and you definitely have to stay on your toes when you’re at one of their shows. You never know when they might rush into the crowd for a scream-along with fans or launch their band mates across the stage from the neck of the stand up bass. THE CREEPSHOW have shared the stage with countless awesome bands including Rancid, Tiger Army, The Buzzcocks, The Unseen, Agnostic Front, Mad Sin, Demented Are Go and have appeared on killer touring fests like Warped Tour, Ink n’ Iron, Festival Of Fear, Mighty Sounds, Rebellion, Japan Punk Spring and Australia’s Soundwave Fest.

***Winner of the FU Award for “Best Live Band” by Edge 102 (Canada’s biggest rock radio station.

THE CREEPSHOW’s debut album “Sell Your Soul” came out in 2006 and immediately caught the attention of fans and press worldwide. With the onslaught of media attention and demand from fans, the band dropped everything and embarked on an nonstop tour across the USA, Canada and Europe. At they very beginning of their European tour, they were hijacked by fake cops in Spain and robbed of nearly everything they had. While most sane bands would have hung their heads and called it a day, THE CREEPSHOW sucked it up and finished the remaining 5 weeks of the tour without batting a lash. That’s just how they roll.

*** “Seriously, if you like psychobilly bands with great female vocals you’ll love this album and this band. It really is a must-have for fans of this genre” - Punknews - 4 outta 5 stars

In 2008, THE CREEPSHOW took a month off from the road to go into the studio and record the stunning follow up “Run For Your Life”. This time around the fan and media response was off the chain. Seriously. Rave reviews came flowing in like a flood so the band packed up and headed out on tour again, bringing their revamped, insane live show to the farthest reaches of the earth. The album also caught the attention of Hellcat Records and was released in Oct 27th that same year. In fact, THE CREEPSHOW are the first Canadian band to sign to the label!

*** “Not all great rock n’ roll needs to be performed by complete greasebags. As Toronto psychobilly stalwarts THE CREEPSHOW prove, you can look great while rockin’ a city to it’s foundations” – Chart Magazine

In the summer of 2010, the Creepshow finally returned home to their native Toronto for the first time in a very long time. Inspired by their years of travel, hundreds of shows and slightly battered by the experience, the band entered the studio with only one thought on their collective mind…REVENGE! The resulting full-length “They All Fall Down” is by far the band’s best and most terrifying to date. From the opening explosive chords on “Get What’s Coming” to the deceptively seductive ballad “Sleep Tight” to the knock-down-drag-out punk rock title anthem, “They All Fall Down” is a full throttle hellride into the Creepshow’s dark and wonderful world. Released wordwide in October 2010, the band once again took their eye-popping live show across the globe.

Fast forward through almost 2 years of constant touring, debauchery and general mayhem to the present time. The Creepshow are back on their home turf and ready to rumble. A line-up change in 2012 added some killer new blood to the band in the form of Kenda (vox/guitar) and Sandro (drums). Both members have a brought a revitalized energy and intensity to the gang along with fresh new sources of songwriting talent. The Creepshow are currently quarantined deep in their laboratory working on their 4th full-length album slated for an early 2013 release. Insider sources have confirmed that the new material is fantastically wild, addictive and more powerful than a hurricane. Stay tuned for new music, videos and events in the coming months!

Like a bombshell in a whirlwind, the force of nature known as The Creepshow will be descending on a town near you soon and you don’t want to miss them when they do. Just don’t get too close…
Fonte: Creepshow Official Facebook Page

Motörhead - Novo álbum!

With nearly 40 years and 20 studio albums under their belts, the speed metal icons in Motörhead are still holding the ace of spades -- and aren't showing any signs of slowing down. This month, Lemmy Kilmister (who will be 68 this Christmas Eve!) and the boys are releasing their first album of original material in three years, Aftershock, which has been touted as one of the most anticipated releases of 2013.
The set won't be out officially until October 22, but Yahoo Music is excited to offer fans a premiere of the entire album one week ahead of time. Consider it our early Halloween treat! (You can pre-order the album here, if you just can't wait another minute.)
Fonte: Yahoo Music

Ouçam o álbum aqui:

quarta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2013

Antillectual "Soundtrack"

Antillectual from Nijmegen, the Netherlands plays a socially conscious, melodic blend of music, ranging from ‘90’s skate punk to ‘00’s emo and ‘10’s orgcore. Creating their own unique blend of stolen riffs and borrowed song titles, while carrying the torch of European punkrock.

2013's "Perspectives & Objectives" is Antillectual's 4th album. This album shows the band's evolution towards more compact, serious yet accessible songs and messages. A worldwide release followed by more worldwide touring.

In 2005 Antillectual started releasing albums and touring. Ever since, the band has perfected the romantic idea of being a touring band into a routine that is carried out with full dedication. In the last 6 years Antillectual has played their energetic, inspiring live set 700+ times in 20+ countries.

“Passionate”, “melodic”, “energetic”; a wide range of references is used to describe Antillectual's sound. With a sound firmly rooted in the combustible, dynamic punk of the '90's skate scene while incorporating hints of modern emo, orgcore and even metal, the band’s sound is very distinctive. What defines that sound is a sense of urgency that resonates in everything they do.

“If you want to achieve something, work as hard as you can”. In short, that is Antillectual’s epigram. Rooted in the Do It Yourself culture, the band approaches their cause professionally, both on and off stage, proving that DIY is not synonymous to unprofessional. On the contrary!

With raving reviews in their pocket, Antillectual are well on their way to get their music heard, in new territories, by new people, and not the least by the fan base the band has carefully built up.

Fonte: Antillectual Official Facebook Page

Fall Out Boy "Just One Yesterday"

Fall Out Boy is an American rock band from Wilmette, Illinois, formed in 2001. The band consists of vocalist/guitarist Patrick Stump, bassist Pete Wentz, guitarist Joe Trohman, and drummer Andy Hurley. The members originally played in local underground hardcore bands before forming Fall Out Boy. With Pete Wentz as the band's primary lyricist and Patrick Stump as the primary composer, Fall Out Boy broke out of the underground music scene and reached mainstream success with their major label album From Under the Cork Tree. Released in 2005 as the follow-up to their 2003 debut Take This to Your Grave, the album won several awards and achieved double platinum status after selling more than 2.7 million albums in the United States, spawning top ten singles "Sugar, We're Goin Down" and "Dance, Dance".
In 2007, Fall Out Boy released their third album Infinity on High, to major chart success, debuting at number one on the Billboard 200 and selling 260,000 copies in its first week, with top five chartings worldwide. It contained the hits "This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race" and "Thnks fr th Mmrs". The group released Folie à Deux in 2008 and further evolved their musical palette. The group announced an indefinite hiatus in late 2009, stating that they had not broken up, rather that the members were taking a rest and engaging in various side projects. Stump released a solo album called Soul Punk in 2011, Wentz formed Black Cards, while Hurley and Trohman formed The Damned Things and then respectively moved onto With Knives and Enabler. Fall Out Boy was ranked the 93rd Best Artist of the 2000–10 decade by Billboard.[4] On February 4, 2013, Fall Out Boy announced their comeback with a new album, Save Rock and Roll, as well as a tour and a new single.[5] The album sold 154,000 units in its first week to become the band's second No. 1 album, with the top 15 lead single "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)" preceding it. On October 15, 2013, the band is releasing their punk EP PAX AM Days bundled with Save Rock And Roll and as a stand-alone digital EP.


Silverstein "A Better Place"

Formed in 2000 in Burlington, ON Canada, Silverstein has become as close to a household name as you can get in the post-hardcore scene. After 5 full length albums, 3 EP’s, a live album, mini album, and numerous 7” singles and collections, Silverstein have sold more than 1 million albums worldwide. The lineup has remained largely the same over their 12 years on the scene and features Shane Told (vocals), Paul Koehler (drums), Josh Bradford (guitar), Billy Hamilton (bass) and Paul-Marc Rousseau (guitar).

Silverstein has played more than 1500 shows in 34 countries, and have been a staple on many festivals and tours. They have been a part of Vans Warped Tour, Take Action!, Taste of Chaos, Rock Am Ring (Germany), Soundwave (Australia), Give it a Name (UK), and also co-founded the Scream It Like You Mean It tour in 2010.

Since 2003, Silverstein has remained consistent releasing full length albums every 2 years. They burst on the scene with When Broken Is Easily Fixed (2003) which would shape the scene to come with its dynamic approach of mellow clean tones contrasted with screaming and heavily distorted riffs. In 2005, their sophomore and best selling release Discovering The Waterfront was critically and fan acclaimed with more structure and melody, but still keeping the emotion Silverstein had become known for.

In 2007, the band worked with legendary producer Mark Trombino and released Arrivals & Departures. Sticking to a more stripped down rock sound that went against the slick sampled tones of many bands at the time, the album had 2 of their biggest songs, and a video in heavy rotation on MTV. 2009 brought back ‘Discovering’ producer Cameron Webb and a return to the bands early sound with A Shipwreck In The Sand, a high concept album that also tackled some political topics for the first time. The album brought a number of guest vocalists including Liam Cormier (Cancer Bats), Lights, and Scott Wade (Comeback Kid).

After a departure from Victory Records in 2010, the band came right back in 2011 with their 5th full length Rescue on indie giant Hopeless Records. With new producer Jordan Valeriote at the helm, the album featured some of the bands best performances and songs ever, with songs like “Forget Your Heart”, “Burning Hearts”, “The Artist” and “Sacrifice” all being successful singles.

Never a band to rest for long, Silverstein also released Short Songs in early 2012, a “mini album” featuring 11 original songs and 11 covers all under 90 seconds long. This release took the band back to their punk rock and hardcore roots and was a huge critical success garnering extremely positive reviews.

With a new full length release and lots of touring planned in 2013, SIlverstein shows no signs of slowing down.

O novo vídeo pode ser visto aqui:

The Villas "Life Goes On"

The Villas are an indie rock band from Austin, Texas. An amalgam of British-influenced indie rock and classic power-pop, the Villas sound is a melody-driven dervish of guitars and keys.

Fonte: Villas' Official Facebook Page 

Podem ver o vídeo aqui:

Airbourne "Back In The Game"

"Back In The Game", the new video from Australian hard rockers AIRBOURNE, can be seen below. The clip was filmed earlier this year on tour around the world. The song comes off AIRBOURNE's third album, "Black Dog Barking", which was released in May via Roadrunner Records. The follow-up to 2010's "No Guts. No Glory." was helmed by award-winning producer Brian Howes.

In a recent interview with ARTISTdirect, AIRBOURNE said about the new CD: "With 'No Guts. No Glory.', we might've rushed a few things here and there because we had two world tours back-to-back up against each other. We recorded the music just in the middle of all that. We even had some shows between recording. This time, we spaced it out, and got our sound back to tape again.

"Brian Howes loves the same kind of music that we do, like IRON MAIDEN, MOTÖRHEAD, JUDAS PRIEST and Elvis Presley. He always wanted to make a rock 'n' roll record, but he never got the chance to. When we recorded with him, that was our goal. It was very comfortable. We got to do this right."

Regarding the "Black Dog Barking" album title, AIRBOURNE said: "When we started this band, the music scene had a lot of new stuff going on in the late Nineties and early Two-Thousands. METALLICA were still as big as they are. However, when we'd play shows, people would be like, 'What do you need all of those amps for?' We were like, 'What? This is rock 'n' roll.' They played this fucking indie shit or whatever-the-fuck it is. Our mindset was, 'Fuck you and your indie shit. We're going to play rock 'n' roll!' The venues started closing down because of noise pollution. We weren't going to let rock 'n' roll die though. That's what 'Black Dog Barking' is about. It's a call to arms. If you're with us, you're on our side. If you're not, then we're coming for you."

Inspired by the likes of JUDAS PRIEST, THIN LIZZY, AC/DC and MOTÖRHEAD, AIRBOURNE has been winning fans since 2003 with its high-energy, whiplash-inducing, working man's rock ‘n' roll. AIRBOURNE has also racked up numerous accolades and awards, including one they took home in 2008 from the Metal Hammer Golden Gods.

Hailing from Warrnambool, a small drinking town on the southwestern coast of Victoria, Australia, AIRBOURNE has steadily gained an immense following with its explosive live shows and main-stage festival appearances.

AIRBOURNE is Joel O'Keeffe (vocals/lead guitar), Ryan O'Keeffe (drums), David Roads (guitar) and Justin Street (bass).

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terça-feira, 15 de outubro de 2013

A Perfect Circle - Nova música!

E nada melhor do que começar com a notícia do dia:
Após 9 anos, os A Perfect Circle decidiram nos presentear com uma nova música!

Alt-rock supergroup A Perfect Circle are releasing a 13-track (or 19 tracks deluxe) greatest hits comp, Three Sixty, on November 19. The final track, a studio version of "By and Down," is their first new song to appear in nearly a decade. The five-minute Zep-style journey was written during the band's live re-emergences around 2010 and 2011, and is naturally moody, featuring what sounds like a gaggle of orchestra chimes and a melody that sounds like Dirty Projectors gone metal raga.

In addition, the band promptly sold out of all 2,500 copies of their A Perfect Circle Live: Featuring Stone and Echo box set and being the swell guys they are, they've decided to release the entire 4CD/1DVD package digitally on November 26. The box collects live performances of all three of their studio albums — 2000's Mer de Noms, 2003's Thirteenth Step, and 2004's eMOTIVe — a DVD of a 2011 performance at Red Rocks, and an "audio companion" that features noir covers of Black Flag and Marvin Gaye.



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Rute Caetano // Daniela Dantas